
Time to Get Rid of Money
Money has been said to be the source of all evil but this is wrong, it is class society. However it must be said that money is nevertheless a…
When Workers Shot Back: Class Conflict from 1877 to 1921 explores one of the most tumultuous times in United States history. Self-organized workers recomposed their power by devising new strategies and tactics to disrupt the capitalist economy and extract concessions. Mine, railroad, steel, and iron workers pursued a strategy of tension that sometimes erupted into militant class conflict and general strikes in which…
A fantastic book by Naomi Klein documenting how governments take advantage of social crises in order to implement unpopular neoliberal policies. People who are against socialism, or even just skeptical, often ask the question: Who pays for socialism? Many believe it’s those with higher levels of income or wealth who pay for socialism. Not only is this a false conclusion, it’s based on a false understanding of socialism. Rarely is capitalism interrogated with the same question. When it is, the answer from bourgeois economists is… Boomers get a lot of hate. The boomer generation is blamed for the awful state of the world, ruining the housing market, job market, and environment. Millennials and Gen Z are framed as their victims. This discourse promotes a confused misunderstanding of power dynamics in capitalism. It stifles class consciousness and diverts attention from the systemic causes of our environmental and… • Is it justified that high-salary workers pay a high portion of the tax revenue? If so, what is that justification?…
A critique of both the conservative and liberal perspectives on taxing the rich. Link: PragerU and The Daily Wire misrepresent the facts to exaggerate how much tax the rich pay. However, a large portion of tax revenue is indeed paid by the rich. The argument that liberal progressives make to justify this is: Those who can afford more should pay more. But this accepts the belief that the…